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The 37th Issue of “Knowledge-based” Journal Is Published with the Slogan of “Strong Iran”

The 37th Issue of “Knowledge-based” Journal Is Published with the Slogan of “Strong Iran”


The 37th issue of “Knowledge-based” Journal is published with a special view to the role of the innovation ecosystem in passing from difficulties caused by sanctions and realizing the knowledge-based economy and the economy of resistance.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, the 37th issue of the knowledge-based journal pointed out the strategic role of the ecosystem in reducing the problems caused by sanctions and shifting direction toward knowledge-based economy with the approach of economy of resistance.

Strong Iran

This issue of the journal was initiated with an editorial note by Parviz Karami, the editor-in-chielf of “Knowledge-based” journal with the topic of “strong Iran” on necessities for making the country stronger.

In the note, we read: “no patriotism, no sage, no believer and no Iranianism opposes this logical and necessary statement of "we must be strong". Not only common sense owners and those who believe in the ideals of the revolution do not oppose the country"s becoming more powerful, but each strive for its own realization".

Inappropriate Loans

In another part of the journal, an interview was made with Abbas Mahdinia, the executive of the national macro project of design and manufacture of cotton combine.

Entrepreneurship of Women

Katayoun Sepehri is one of the pioneers in the generation and training of entrepreneurs, who has been able to expand education to women and the youth by managing an accelerator in the field of women’s entrepreneurship.

A Dynamic Network with Different Components

While writing about the ecosystem is somehow difficult, this issue of “Knowledge-based” journal has aimed to evaluate the topic of dynamic network with different components via an interview with Ali Akbar Ghayoumi Abarghouei, the manager of the growth center of Yazd Science and Technology Park.

A System for Agricultural Optimization

Sara Mirshekari, the founder of Keshtyar Startup, was another guest of this issue.

We Have no Competitors

 An interview with the founder of Shiraz Food Startup, who claims that there are no competitors.

Find Success

 An interview with the CEO of Zist Rahavard Kara, CEO of WHS accelerator and C1 accelerator.

Saving People’s Lives

The artificial intelligence that is heating up the market these days with the formation of knowledge of accelerators and accelerators has fallen on the rails and has made good in the country. These are parts of a report on advances in artificial intelligence in the country in this issue of the journal.


A World without Chaos

What is blockchain and what opportunities does it make for banks? How can this newly emerged technological phenomenon help the banking system and prevent the existing chaos? All of these questions are answered in the 37th issue of Knowledge-based journal.

Facing Poverty

 Can we use DNA technology in agriculture to fight agronomic diseases? This issue has been addressed by the biography of one of the world"s largest computational biologists and the results are available to the enthusiasts of the field in this issue.

A missing topic known as skills, skills in web field, fundamental necessity for development of startups, interview with Namatek co-founders, interview with Balad Show startup co-founders, about sewing Pateh in Kerman, and other topics are provided in this issue of Knowledge-based journal.

Similar to previous issues, other films, pictures, sounds and texts are provided for the audience, that can be accessed through a barcode reader app.

The 37th issue of “Knowledge-based” journal is published in 164 pages, provided by responsibility of Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, management of Sorena Sattari and editorial of Parviz Karami.


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center
  • News code : 49609


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